
Crathes Garden and Woods

Crathes Castle gardens

Another autumnal day spent on Royal Deeside, this time returning to Crathes for an exploration of the woods and gardens there, as well as a tour of the castle and lunch at the cafe. At first sight it seemed there was little colour left in the gardens but each turn brought new sights, including some new buds on certain plants. The colours were stunning and only got better as increasing sunshine broke through the fast moving clouds.

Autumn in Crathes Castle gardens

Crathes Castle gardens

Crathes Castle gardens

Crathes Castle gardens

Crathes Castle gardens

The greenhouses still held on to some of the heat and humidity of summer and provided some welcome respite from the cold wind.

Crathes Castle gardens

Crathes Castle gardens

Crathes Castle gardens

Tea & Cake at Crathes Castle

After exploring the house (and translating the cieling inscriptions as we went) we headed off down the Coy Burn Trail for a decent leg stretch before heading home. The day was wrapped up nicely by catching sight of a red squirrel scampering along a log just as we neared the car park.

Autumn woods at Crathes